Monday, December 31, 2012

Falling Asleep in the Middle of a

Have you ever fallen asleep in the middle of a sentence? I have. It’s pretty awesome. If the people you were speaking to love you enough, they’ll wait for you to finish what you were saying when you wake up. They might even be helpful and remind you what the first half of your sentence was.

Naps are great. They revitalize us and give us energy for the rest of the day. And as long as you don’t fall asleep at 5:30 PM and forget to wake up and have dinner and instead sleep through the night, naps are the best. (Although sometimes a mid-evening bedtime is necessary. Just make sure there’s enough food in your house for a nice breakfast in the morning.)

In the afternoon, I tell my daughter to “go in your room and find a blankiephant to snuggle up with.” She obeys (sometimes more slowly than I would like), and usually within twenty minutes she’s snoozing away. Her little mini-blanket, with its plush elephant attached, is her comfort item. She can fall asleep without it, but that process isn’t fun for anyone. It’s much easier if she has the tags of her blankiephant to chew on. My younger daughter has a bunny/blanket, but she falls asleep much more easily if she has to do without it, because she chews on her thumb instead of relying solely on the item’s snuggliness. She can fall asleep pretty easily without it, but on the other hand, if her intent is to yell herself to sleep (or yell until someone picks her up), she’s going to go ahead and do that instead, and no amount of shoving a fuzzy pink bunny/blanket in her face is going to make her change her plans.

I don’t ever remember having a comfort item as a kid. I’m sure I probably had one for a while, but I can’t recall ever needing to have a certain toy in my possession before I could calm down enough to fall asleep.

Now, all I need to fall asleep is a list in my head of the chores I haven’t finished yet, a snuggly place to sit/lay, maybe a blanket to keep my feet as warm as possible, and my Amazon kindle. Actually, I can do without the kindle.

But I really prefer falling asleep in the middle of a sentence.

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