Thursday, April 16, 2015

High Five

I’ve seen some pretty ridiculous holidays surfacing in the last few years. It seems like you can turn any random Tuesday into an internationally celebrated event whenever you feel like it. What kind of event? Who cares! We’re humans and this is the internet; there is no shortage of things to party about.
I was thrilled when I glanced at the trending topics adorning my twitter feed and saw this: “#NationalHighFiveDay.” I thought, “Finally! Something ridiculous I can get excited about!” Then I thought, “I’d better make sure that this is really a thing.”
It really is a thing!
And it is! (See link above, or here: really a thing.) Even wikipedia says so!
The best part is, it’s not just a day to high five your bros; it’s actually doing something productive! Though the holiday itself has been around since 2002 (giving away high fives & lemonade on the University of Virginia campus), they’ve been “doing good” in an official capacity since 2010. This year, donations on their website will go toward building awareness about childhood obesity, but in the past, High-Five-a-Thons were held to benefit cancer research, and in 2013, victims of the Boston Marathon bombings.
So celebrate! High five one of the aforementioned bros. Donate! (It doesn’t have to be to the NH5D people, any favorite charity will do!) Even talking about it helps! And if you feel called upon to do all three of these things, then I have a very special gift for you (and I’ll bet you can guess what it is)!
(this video has nothing to do with National High Five Day, it's just awesome)

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