Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Silly Holiday: International Talk Like a Pirate Day


Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, me hearties.

But it’s not International Write Like a Pirate Day, so I won’t.

Several years ago I read about this silly idea in a column by Dave Barry, who is a comedic writer who can make me go from completely silent and unassuming to explosive laughter in about two words (maybe less, depending upon the words in question). Two men playing racquetball together decided to start talking like pirates after one of them got hurt and instead of saying “ow” said something like “arr” instead. Though the actual event that inspired the day itself occurred on the sixth of June, the founders decided to celebrate annually on September the 19th, because it would be easier for one of them to remember since it was already his ex-wife’s birthday.

Talk Like a Pirate Day isn’t about ex-wives, or birthdays (unless it happens to be your birthday, in which case, have a happy day), or about dressing or acting like a pirate. It’s simply about talking like one. Yo ho.

It’s a day to not take yourself or anything else too seriously. There’s no rule that you have to talk like a pirate all day, either. If there were some rigidly enforced guidelines to follow, it would defeat the purpose of the day, which is to have fun.

So whether you get dressed up and never let a word pass your lips that wasn’t used on a boat from 1650-1730 or you treat today like any other day in the year of our Lord two thousand twelve, enjoy International Talk Like a Pirate Day. For it is proof that in this day and age, you and your friends can become famous by being silly one day while playing racquetball.


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