Friday, May 25, 2012

Just Relax

I take my relaxing very seriously. When I have a little “me” time, I like to read books, play video games, craft something, or catch up on episodes of my favorite shows.

Because my job is rather demanding and changes based on the mood of my daughters, it’s hard to get any relaxing in during the day. If I do get a few moments because the girls decide to take a nap in unison (which is one of the better things they do in unison, I like unison crying much less), I need something that I can quickly set aside again. Reading is best during these times, or watching a movie, because I can close a book (or turn off a kindle) or pause a movie if one of them wakes up suddenly.

Crafting is something that I can do anytime, as long as I don’t mind if a little person gets into the materials. While crocheting recently I have tugged on the yarn only to find tiny three-month-old fingers wrapped around it. Card making is something I can do while watching something, usually as long as the something is being played on the computer so that I can spread my materials out on the table in front of it.

As much as I love the suspense in drawing the story out of a video game, they are very involved and take most of, if not all of my attention. I can only play video games when backup is in place. During the week after bedime is okay, but the weekends are best. Although by the time I can get at the equipment to play AC: Revelations in the evening, it’s usually late enough that I can barely get through one section of the story before my husband starts shutting off lights and saying, “You know it’s twelve fifteen, right?"

Relaxing shouldn’t be so complicated.

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