Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Breakfast Exchange

My daughter approached me this morning to repeat our daily conversation.

“Can I have some yogurt?” she asked. I laid out my terms. “I require a kiss.” It was given. She decided to sweeten the pot: “Can I have a snuggle?” She was snuggled accordingly.

Since the direct food request hadn’t immediately worked, she began a different way. “Can I have some milk?” “We don’t have any milk.” She was unabashed. “Can I have some... water?” “Certainly.”

Encouraged, she decided to attempt her goal. “Can I have some breakfast?!” “You may.” Victorious, she skipped into the dining room and crawled into her seat as I got everything ready for her.

As she happily smeared as much blueberry yogurt onto her face as seemed to go into her mouth, I smiled. She got her breakfast, and in return, I got a kiss, a snuggle, and the pleasure of knowing that I’m raising my child to ask for things politely, in addition to getting to be able to watch her being adorable.

I think it’s a pretty good exchange.

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