Monday, January 7, 2013

Does This Blog Make Me Look Fat?

I dislike fishing for compliments.

I have never understood people who ask questions like, “do these pants make my butt look big?” They don’t really want to know the answer to that question, all they want is a response praising their figure.

I understand the need for compliments. Every once in a while when I work my butt off making a delicious dinner or do all the laundry in one fell swoop or get a workout while sweeping and mopping the entire house, I will tell my husband that he has a totally awesome wife. That way, he can echo my praises, or if he chooses, he can remain silent. Even if he doesn’t chime in, I’ve at least received the compliment that I gave to myself.

Occasionally I do catch myself asking my husband ambiguous questions about the way I’m dressed, or how I look. At those times, I try to clarify what kind of answer I want from him: does the color look okay on me, is the outfit appropriate for the occasion, that sort of thing. But then I stop and think about it a bit. I ask myself if I really do need someone else’s opinion, or if I just want him to tell me I look nice. If I need a self-esteem boost, I will tell him straight out what to say to me: “Tell me I look pretty.” 

Because my husband is not a woman, he is not paying attention as closely as I am to the way I have attired myself, and usually he honestly does not care. He’s not ignoring me or being malicious in any way, it’s just not how he thinks. And really, I’d rather have it that way, since I wouldn’t want to have him thinking less of me on the days I feel like lazing around in my pajama pants.

And sometimes a girl’s just gotta rock the pajama pants. At least I make them look good.


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