Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday in History: Nothing Piratey

Logo property of Marc Summers & John Baur
I wrote about Talk Like a Pirate Day last year. It didn’t stop me from being excited about writing about it this year, though. And I was very excited to find something piratey that happened in history to perhaps give a little credibility to the date. I scrolled down today’s date on wikipedia, hoping to see a famous crash or a victorious plunder that I could share, along with a yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.
I got nothin’. The destruction of Jamestown, the passing of the first budget by the United States Congress, the publishing of George Washington’s Farewell Address in major newspapers… but nothing piratey. (Jamestown was burned because of Bacon’s Rebellion, and I can find no piracy involved; I’m not sure about the first budget, though, but that would only be political piracy, as I don’t believe any of the founding fathers had peg legs or wore eye patches or brought their pet parrot with them to discuss the running of the country.)
Sadly, nothing of note happened of a piratey nature on this day in history, except in 1995, when the holiday was first observed. Maybe that’s a good reason to celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19: there’s nothing more important, pirate-wise, to upstage it.
Ya scurvy dogs.

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